What is premier league fantasy football and how to play? Part 2

Hello fantasy football maniacs! This is part 2 of the article on the rules and mechanism under which www.fantasy.premierleague.com works. Today’s article covers transfers, bonus chips and bonus points. As we described in the previous article, there are points for all players, as well as points for each specific position on the pitch.

Let’s start with transfers – simple and easy – you have 1 “free” (you don’t get penalized with 4 points) transfer every week, and you need to replace each player with a footballer playing at the same position (if you are selling a defender, you need to buy a defender). If you decide not use any transfers in a gameweek, you will have the opportunity to make 2 transfers next gameweek. The limit of accumulated unused “free” transfers is 2 though. If you decide to make more than the allowed “free” round transfers, you will lose 4 points for that gameweek for each additional transfer. Unfortunately, sometimes due to injuries and penalties we have to make 3-4 transfers, which can be expensive (8 or 12 points) if the transferred players do not contribute.

Bonus points! Here, the top performers for each game are awarded, based on match statistics – each goal, assists, clean sheets, key passes and other indicators are used (over 35) to award the following bonus points: best player gets 3 points, second best – 2 points and third – 1 point. In the case of a draw, for example, 2 players are awarded the same amount of points each, and the next position is skipped, for example if 2 players are awarded the maximum amount of points they each get 3 bonus points and the next player only gets 1 bonus point. I hope it became at least a little clear 🙂 If you want an example of a large number of bonus points, check out the previous season for Andy Robertson or Trent :).

So much for the bonus points, it’s time for the chips! A very exciting part of the game, each of us has 3 chips + a wildcard option twice during the season. Now in particular: with a Wildcard you can change your entire team without taking penalty points (paying extra for transfers) for that round. A good strategy to use Wildcards is when you have a lot of injured or punished players, there is a Christmas marathon or FA Cup rounds where a team has 2 games in one gameweek.

We move on to the 3 chips, number 1 – Free Hit. Imagine a wildcard, but the next round brings you back your old line-up, in other words a free hit is a change of the whole team or part of it only for the upcoming gameweek, a good strategy is to use it in the second half of the season when there are “empty” or “Double gameweek”. We will write a separate article for that.

The second chip is the triple captain chip, in other words, instead of doubling your captain points, you triple them. A good strategy to use is when your captain has an easy game or in the second half of the season when there are 2 games for a certain team in a single round (triples your captain points for both games). BOOM! 🙂

Last but not least – the bench boost! This chip includes your bench players who also earn you points. Yes – ALL of them 🙂 And a good strategy for using this chip is at the second half of the season again, for similar reasons. You never know though. For example – last season Man City had a double gameweek, and I transferred De Bruyne in. He had 3 assists in 1 game a week before. In the 17th minute of the first game, he got injured! And in total for both game has was awarded 1 point, while the player I sold got 16 points, so friends – watch out!!! 🙂 In the next article we will talk about the deadlines for all the changes to your team, automatic substitutions, additional mini leagues and the cup tournament. Thanks for reading this article, you can also follow us on social media.

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